jQuery Enlightenment
Table of contents
- Preface
- jQuery semantics
- How the book is structured
- More code, less words
- Why Oh Why did I use alert() for code examples?
- Color coding
- Completely grok jQuery text() before reading this book
- What is JS Bin and why do code examples use it?
- Chapter 1 – Core jQuery
- Base concept behind jQuery
- The concept, behind the concept, behind jQuery
- How to check the current jQuery version
- jQuery requires HTML run in standards mode or almost standards mode
- Include all CSS files before including jQuery
- Using a hosted version of jQuery
- Executing code when the DOM is ready, but before window.onload
- Executing jQuery code when the browser window is completely loaded
- Execute jQuery code when DOM is parsed, without using ready()
- Use the $ alias without fear of conflicts
- Grokking jQuery chaining
- Breaking the chain with destructive methods
- Using destructive jQuery methods and exiting destruction using end()
- The jQuery function is multifaceted
- Grokking when the keyword this refers to DOM elements
- Extract elements from a wrapper set use them directly without jQuery
- Checking to see if the wrapper set is empty
- Creating an alias by renaming the jQuery object itself
- Using .each() when implicit iteration is not enough
- Elements in jQuery wrapper set returned in document order
- Determining context used by the jQuery function
- Create an entire DOM structure, including DOM events, in a single chain
- Chapter 2 – Selecting
- Custom jQuery filters can select elements, when used alone
- Grokking the :hidden and :visible filter
- Using the is() method to return a boolean value
- You can pass jQuery more than one selector expression
- Determining anything is selected by checking wrapper set .length
- Create your own custom filters for selecting elements
- Differences between filtering by numeric order vs. DOM relationships
- Selecting elements by id when the value contains meta-characters
- Stacking selector filters
- Nesting selector filters
- Grokking the :nth-child() filter
- Selecting elements by searching attribute values using regular expressions
- Difference between selecting direct children vs. all desendants
- Selecting direct child elements when a context is already set
- Chapter 3 – Traversing
- Difference between find() and filter() methods
- Passing filter() a function instead of an expression
- Traversing up the DOM
- Traversing methods accept CSS expressions as optional arguments
- Chapter 4 – Manipulation
- Creating, operating, and adding HTML on the fly
- Grokking the index() method
- Grokking the text() method
- Update or remove characters using a regular expression
- Grokking the .contents() method
- Using remove() does not remove elements from wrapper set
- Chapter 5 – HTML Forms
- Disable/enable form elements
- How to determine if a form element is disabled or enabled
- Check/uncheck a single checkbox or radio button
- Check/uncheck multiple checkboxs or radio inputs
- Determining if a checkbox or radio button is checked or unchecked
- How to determine if a form element is hidden
- Setting/getting the value of an input element
- Setting/getting the selected option of a select element
- Setting/getting the selected options of a multi-select element
- Setting/getting text contained within a textarea
- Setting/getting the value attribute of a button element
- Editing select elements
- Selecting form elements by their type
- Selecting all form elements
- Chapter 6 – Events
- Not limited to a single ready() event
- Attaching/removing events using bind() and unbind()
- Programmatically invoke a specific handler via short event methods
- jQuery normalizes the event object
- Grokking event namespacing
- Grokking event delegation
- Applying event handlers to DOM elements regardless of DOM updates using live()
- Adding a function to several event handlers
- Cancel default browser behavior with preventDefault()
- Cancel event propagation with stopPropagation()
- Cancel default browser behavior and event propagation via return false
- Create custom events and trigger them via trigger()
- Cloning events as well as DOM elements
- Using Firebug to reveal/inspect events attached to DOM elements
- Getting X and Y coordinates of the mouse in the viewport
- Getting X and Y coordinates of the mouse relative to another element
- Chapter 7 – jQuery and the web browser
- Disable right-click contextual menu
- Scrolling the browser window
- Chapter 8 – Plugins
- Use the $ alias when constructing a plugin
- New plugins attach to jQuery.fn object to become jQuery methods
- Inside a plugin, this is a reference to the current jQuery object
- each() is used to iterate over the jQuery object and provide a reference to each element in the object using the this keyword
- Typically a plugin returns the jQuery object so jQuery methods or other plugins can still be chained after using a plugin
- Default plugin options
- Custom plugin options
- Overwrite default options without altering original plugin code
- Create elements on the fly, invoke plugins programmatically
- Providing callbacks and passing context
- Chapter 9 – Performance best practices
- Use the latest and greatest version of jQuery
- Passing the jQuery function a context can improve query performance
- Grokking selector performance
- Cache sets of selected elements that are used more than once
- Keep DOM changes to a minimum
- Optimize by passing jQuery methods a key/value object
- Optimize by passing multiple selectors to the jQuery function
- Optimize by leveraging chaining
- Use the native for loop when dealing with big loops
- Apply visual changes via ID and Class vs. manipulating style properties
- Chapter 10 – Effects
- Disable all jQuery effect methods
- Grokking the stop() animation method
- Determine if an element is animating using :animated
- Using show(), hide(), and toggle(), without animation
- Grokking sequential and non-sequential animations
- Animate() is the base low-level abstraction
- Grokking the jQuery fading methods
- Chapter 11- AJAX
- The jQuery ajax() function is the lowest-level abstraction
- jQuery supports cross-domain JSONP
- Stop a browser from caching XHR requests
- Chaper 12 – Miscellaneous concepts
- Storing data on DOM elements
- Adding new functions to the jQuery namespace
- Computing an element’s attribute value
- Should I use CSS properties or JavaScript references?
- Accessing an iframe’s content
- Leverage a jQuery plugin for Flash embedding
- Pre-loading images
- Pre-loading assets using XHR
- Add a class to as a CSS hook for JavaScript enabled browsers
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